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With so much information out there and so many people giving you advice, the best thing you can do to navigate all that noise is MASTER SELF AWARENESS.



Max Fleischer 

Max went from being the ultimate negative pessimistic person to the opposite side of the coin and self describes as the number one positive optimistic person on the planet. All thanks to always looking inside.


As a consultant he trains Athletes-Entrepreneurs-Parents and Corporations on SELF AWARENESS, often coming up with the gut punching comment that wakes up his clients to smell the coffee. His public speaking presentations are not only fun but a deep dive journey into oneself.

What Clients Say


I am an avid "do better, be better, find and utilize the tools to do so" kind of person, and this book is fantastic and full of great, unique insights - and I read A LOT.  I get mail for my dear friend, who lives in Thailand. It annoys me when we haven't gone over it on the phone for a while, and it piles up in my small space, and your example here is going to change the way I look at it now; it is an act of service that I do out of love, and I am happy she chose me to help her because I can keep her things safe. :)

Ashley Johnson

Image by Jovita Braun

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